China 2022
Sherpa Meetings
The Sherpa is the main channel for communication among BRICS countries.
From 18 to 19 January 2022, China's BRICS Sherpa and Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu hosted the First BRICS Sherpas' Meeting this year, which was attended by the BRICS Sherpas of Russia, India, Brazil and South Africa as well as representatives of relevant line agencies of China.The Meeting is the first official event held by China after assuming the BRICS Chairship, and serves mainly as a kickoff of the political preparations for the 14th BRICS Summit. At the meeting, relevant departments of China elaborated on the cooperation vision for various fields. The meeting held in-depth discussions and reached broad consensuses on the key fields of BRICS cooperation and work plans for this year, laying a foundation for cementing the preparations for the summit.
From April 12 to 13, 2022, China's BRICS Sherpa and Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu chaired the Second BRICS Sherpas' Meeting 2022. BRICS Sherpas of Russia, India, Brazil and South Africa, as well as representatives from China's relevant departments attended the meeting. All parties exchanged views on preparations for the Summit, BRICS institutional improvements and pragmatic cooperation in various fields, and clarified common position on the Ukraine Issue at the meeting.
On June 21, 2022, China's BRICS Sherpa and Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu chaired the Third BRICS Sherpas' Meeting 2022, which was attended by BRICS Sherpas of Russia, India, Brazil and South Africa.Participants had an in-depth exchange of views on the progress made by the BRICS countries in economic, trade, financial, political and security cooperation and people-to-people and cultural exchanges as well as the arrangements for the opening ceremony of the BRICS Business Forum, the 14th BRICS Summit and the High-level Dialogue on Global Development.
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Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu Chairs the Third BRICS Sherpas' Meeting 2022
Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu Chairs the Second BRICS Sherpas' Meeting 2022
BRICS Countries Clarify Common Position on the Ukraine Issue
Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu Hosts the First BRICS Sherpas' Meeting 2022